
September 27th "Crush a Can" Day Celebrating the Importance of Recycling


September 27th marks National “Crush a Can” Day, celebrated each year to empower people to take responsibility for their world. We at 50 Things love to recycle as we appreciate our beautiful world and want to do our part in keeping it clean.


The message of “Crush a Can” Day is to raise awareness about the importance of recycling. Let’s give love back to the environment, we all deserve love, that includes our world too!

This day is the perfect reminder that recycling helps to preserve life and our natural resources by reducing waste, lowering carbon emissions, and saving money. Let’s join hands and save the world together!

Did you know that 75% of all cans are made of aluminium AND by recycling one can, you save so much energy that you could power your TV for 3 hours?

Making new cans from old recycled cans uses 95% less energy and produces 90% fewer emissions- So recycling really is the way to save our planet. Why not teach children what they can do to help our world?

Everyone is getting involved- If you don’t recycle, what is stopping you? You might see schools, community organisations and the government all raising awareness about recycling- so don’t be the last to catch on, it is never too late to start recycling and do your part for our environment.

But don’t stop there, there are so many different daily rituals you can do to benefit our world, just remember the handy three R’s, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Getting into good habits such as turning the tap off while brushing your teeth or swapping a plastic straw to a metal one are super effective and easy to do!

    Child 14 & 15 Photo 1 (Carrie Priestley Consent).JPG             Child 14 & 15 Photo 9 (Carrie Priestley Consent).JPG

50 Things to Do Before You’re Five to Eleven encourages all things recycling and making our world a better place!

Our activities #2 Planet Protectors, #21 Community Champion and #27 World Changer are inspiration to “Think Global Act Local". 


When celebrating “Crush a Can” Day on September 27th, get crushing cans at home, get your children, neighbours, even your local community involved.

Here are some playful ideas to make recycling fun for the family:

  • Play a game by lining up cans and take turns throwing rocks or other objects to knock them down before crushing and recycling them.
  • You could create a prize for the person in your family who crushes and recycles the most cans on September 27th- you could even make a trophy out of crushed cans?
  • Make posters as a family and put them in your windows or post on social media to share the importance of recycling with others!


“Recycling is not just an obligation, it’s an opportunity to make a difference.”

- Justin Trudeau


We at 50 Things absolutely love recycling as we believe children should get to grow in a world that is clean and safe. We encourage everyone to share the importance of recycling. Join in on September 27th and remember every crushed can is a step closer to a greener, more sustainable future.


Amelia Mather

If you want to get some more inspiration on how you can motivate your family to change the world or see what you can do for your local community visit www.50thingstodo.org or download our 50 Things to Do Before You’re Five or 50 Things to Do Before You’re 5-11 app!




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