
Download our apps!

We have two apps to choose from...



Ages 0-4

A menu of fun, affordable ideas for play and learning with your 0-4 year old. Get daily inspiration from these simple and engaging activities that preschoolers love!

Download the Before You're Five mobile app using the following links:

Links-App_Play.png Links-App_Apple.png


50Things 5-11 Landscape Logo (Colour On Light) Landscape.png

Ages 5-11

A menu of fun and exciting ideas for play and learning for 5-11 year olds. Try all 50 Things, learn new skills and discover your local area!

Download the Five to Eleven mobile app using the following links:

Links-App_Play.png Links-App_Apple.png

Don't forget...

Here at 50 Things we are passionate about encouraging families to engage in fun and playful activities together.

Our app is designed as a tool for parents to access information, our app is not designed for children.

We would encourage families to limit use of their phones when playing and interacting with their children. Spending quality time together has long term benefits for both children and their parents. 

01274 494898