
Andrea Layzell Retires after Nine Years at 50 Things to Do




Andrea Layzell, our Early Years Project Lead at Bradford Birth to 19 retired on Friday 20th September. We can't believe Andrea has been working at Bradford Birth to 19 and 50 Things to Do for over 9 years! She is a truly valued member of our staff at 50 Things and within our community in St Edmund's Nursery School, Bradford. 


Going back to the very start of Andrea’s career- she actually began her working life in hospitality. Did you know that Andrea ran her own Greasy Spoon? Andrea has even worked for Her Majesty’s inspector of taxes! After exploring lots of different avenues, Andrea followed her passion of working with children and made a complete career change into the early years.

Andrea: 'When I started my career, I worked with older children - but when I was given the chance to work with the youngest children I jumped at the opportunity. I love babies and young children and firmly believe that, despite the fact they won’t remember most of them, the experiences children have before they are five are internalised and stay with them throughout their lives, they are the foundation that all other learning builds on. 
People often forget that babies and small children are experiencing things for the first time. The awe and wonder they feel when they are watching a butterfly, or blowing bubbles, is magical!' 

Andrea has covered all aspects of working within the early years sector - from childminding, to working for the National Childminding Association, even within the educational psychology team in Calderdale! This was all before joining the team at Bradford Birth to 19 and supporting staff at St Edmund’s Nursery School!

Everyone who knows Andrea knows how much she cares for others and has throughout her career. Her work will continue to impact hundreds and hundreds of children and colleagues, we appreciate everything she has done to support children and early years practitioners throughout her career. 

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Here are some words colleagues and friends across the UK have said about Andrea:

“Amazing sense of humour!”


“Never Boring”




“Full of passion”





We celebrated Andrea’s last day in true 50 Things style- with FOOD!

The afternoon was spent feasting and chatting about our favourite times with Andrea. Past and present colleagues came together to give Andrea the send off she deserved - of course a classy afternoon tea! There was an overwhelming amount of appreciation for Andrea's hard work over the years and how she has motivated, supported and upskilled so many of the people who attended. Andrea truly is a rock in many people’s personal and professional lives. Although we are sad to see her leave, Andrea’s part in creating the success of Bradford Birth to 19 and 50 Things will always be remembered and forever valued. 

We wish you all the best for the future in how you choose to spend your retirement, whatever you do we're sure it will be fabulous! Andrea, you will be dearly missed by the entire team at Bradford Birth to 19 and St Edmund’s Nursery School!


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