Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood: Prioritising early childhood for a happier healthier society.


Prioritising early childhood for a happier healthier society



Another interesting read from the Royal Foundation published today calling for a transformation in "the way we prioritise and invest in early childhood in the UK. The relationships, experiences, and surroundings of today’s children will have a profound impact on their future and on creating a happier and healthier society. This report outlines the role for business in supporting a child’s early years and the benefits they can reap from taking action."


We have been referencing for some time, the work of Heckman and his demonstration that investment in the early year makes absolute economic sense. (Please see link here to the Heckman Equation).


It is good to read Lord Hague reflecting that, "It is at this very young age, that our relationships, surroundings, and experiences have a profound impact on the way we grow, think, and behave, shaping our long‑term brain structure and affecting everything from our personal relationships and long‑term career outcomes, through to our physical and mental health. "


50TTD is specifically designed to encourage those key relationships and experiences, have an explore of our website to find out more! 


Click here to read the article:

Click here to download and read the full report: Prioritising early childhood for a happier healthier society Report


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