
Get involved

For any local authority, 50 Things to do Before You’re 5 can have enormous educational, social and health benefits.

Local Authorities that adopt 50 Things to do Before You’re 5 make a high profile commitment to a range of support initiatives, including...

  • Supporting families and children to develop positive health and wellbeing habits that will last a lifetime
  • Helping prepare children for future learning
  • Supporting families and children with health and wellbeing in the early years
  • Championing public health benefits, such as helping to combat obesity, diabetes, coronary and respiratory diseases
  • Engaging parents and fostering whole family approaches to learning health and wellbeing
  • Promotes social mobility and community cohesion
  • Enables Local Authorities to meet the new statutory requirements to support home learning at a time of Covid pandemic

How can we get involved?

When you become part of 50 Things to do Before You’re 5, you are joining a national network of Local Authorities. We will give you the tools, the training and the framework to make the project live and breathe in your area. The magic comes when you make the project relevant to your community.

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On signing up to 50 Things, you will get...

  • Your own 50 Things website, that you will adapt and tailor to your specific area and community
  • Your own 50 Things app, that you will adapt and tailor to your specific area and community
  • Templates for posters, bookmarks, pull-up banner and A5 activity cards – all ready to customise for your local area
  • Wrap-around training and support
  • Advice on promoting 50 Things in your area
  • A place at the table and a voice within the vibrant 50 Things community

If you’d like to find out more, please get in touch and let’s start the conversation!



Find out how 13 Local Authorities are extending lifelong opportunities for the under fives in their communities, through the ground breaking 50 Things To Do project and mobile app...

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